Executive Skills Coaching

Executive Skills Coaching

Executive Functioning Skills Coaching

Does your student lose homework frequently? Does he or she have trouble planning and prioritizing tasks in school or at home? Does your student struggle with time management? If so, he or she could have some weaknesses in their executive

functioning skills.


Executive skills are an important part of daily functioning that allow us to get things done  and help regulate our behavior. These critical processes are needed for students to set goals, plan their time, organize and prioritize ideas, think flexibly, self-monitor, and selfcheck to ensure success in school.


The coach will work with student and parents to identify how student’s day to day academic performance and treatment goals will be set to resolve these issues. The subsequent sessions will focus on one executive skill per week. Coaching, examples, and tips will be provided for your student in order for them to learn how to strengthen that EF skill.


1) Time Management : Learn to use time efficiently by creating to-do lists, prioritize  tasks, use planners, and learn to avoid procrastination.

Organization : Learn to stay organized by creating a clean work space for  homework, use a homework supply kit, color-coded folders and labels, and reminder tags for backpacks.

Homework Time : Learn to create efficiency during homework time by setting a  schedule, limiting distractions, using a contract/reward system for motivation, incorporating breaks, and providing an organized area.

Goal Setting : Learn how to set short and long-term goals by using the SMART  technique. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

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